Walters Adam

Walters Adam

Situated in the heart of Norwich on Heigham Street, and with over 30 years experience in the motor industry, Adam Walters Ltd is proud to offer a professional and friendly approach to buying your next car. Established in 1977 by Peter Walters, our family name continues to be associated with quality used cars representing excellent value for money after all; this is what we all want, and what our company strives to offer.

At Adam Walters Ltd, we have done the bulk of the hard work for you, and we are confident that our wide selection of carefully sourced vehicles are as good as you will see anywhere on your travels. We take condition and presentation very seriously and years of experience allows us to spot a genuine car from the rest. Don't forget, we have to buy these vehicles first, and they must meet our high standards before you even get the chance to see them, something people often forget!

Contact Details

Walters Adam
Norwich, Norfolk
70 Aylsham Road

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